Subscription plans

Discover our plans and find one that fits your needs.

  • Personal


    For personal projects and students.

    Start creating
    • Unlimited projects
    • 200MB storage
    • Personal calendar
  • Creator

    $10 per month

    For creators looking to improve their workflow.

    Start creating
    • Unlimited projects
    • 10GB storage
    • 5 team members
    • 5 guest spots
  • Pro

    $20 per month

    For audio engineers and session musicians.

    Start creating
    • Unlimited projects
    • 50GB storage
    • 10 team members
    • Unlimited guest spots
  • Enterprise


    For record labels and beyond.

    Contact us
    • Unlimited projects
    • Flexible storage
    • Per seat billing
    • Automated workflows
    • 3rd party integrations